03 448 8159 [email protected]

Airflow Training

We had a great training session last week with Nathan from EMS on our new Airflow machine. Thanks EMS, we love our new machine and so do Victoria’s patients.

Introducing Max

Hi, my name is Max and I am very happy to be joining the team at Central Dental Alexandra in 2018. A born and bred Cantabrian (though try not to hold that against me), I have spent the last five years in Otago taking full advantage of the peninsula, and graduated in...

A busy lead up to Christmas

We have been very busy in the lead up to Christmas. Amelia is already booked out to the second week of December! So please don’t put off your treatment, as you may have to wait! We are in the process of adding a second Dental Chair, and a familiar face will be...

The End is Nigh

The end of the year is fast approaching and our books are filling up fast, we are already booking dental appointments into November. If you are planning on going away for the holidays or planning an overseas trip, it pays to have a dental checkup before you go.